

Facts about knee related injuries

60% Knee Injuries in all sports related injuries.

50% ACL Injuries of knee related injuries.

70% Athletes ACL injuries occur through mechanism (pivoting, cutting, sidestepping, awkward landing).

8x Athletes suffer ACL torn more in competition.

200k ACL injuries per year.

100k ACL injuries require surgery.

1/15000 Times practice/compete athlete torn ACL.

4-6x Females are more likely to have knee injury.

12 Months most ACL injury surgeries average recovery time.

10.4 Million Knee relate injuries per year.

$500 Million U.S. healthcare cost per year spend on ACL Injuries.

$30 Billion U.S outpatient rehabilitation market.

Competition Matrix


Most of the products are either super high tech (operated by the hospital and clinic) or simple rehabilitation assisting tools with no communication between doctor and patient.

Base on the competition matrix, the opportunity lands on the criteria of more communication and higher connectivity/technology area.

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Anti-Gravity Treadmill

The AlterG Pro 200+Anti-Gravity Treadmill enables athletes to train and enhance their physical therapy experience while rehabilitating from a sports related injury.

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ACL Tested

Developed to provide objective measurement of the sagittal plane motions of the tibia relative to the femur. This motion, sometimes referred to as drawer motion, occurs when an examiner applies force to the lower limb or when the muscles of the quadriceps are contracted.

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Electric stem

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) delivers a shock to the survivor’s muscle. The shock activates nerves and makes the muscle move. Theoretically, the brain may be able to recapture and relearn this movement without the stimulation.

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CPM Machine

Devices are used during the first phase of rehabilitation following a soft tissue surgical procedure or trauma. The goals of phase 1 rehabilitation are: control post-operative pain, reduce inflammation, provide passive motion in a specific plane of movement, and protect the healing repair or tissue.

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Exercise App

Knee Decide is a powerful educational tool. It simplifies complex medical conditions and treatments, to improve knowledge, comprehension and retention.

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Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a portable training method that can be used to help reduce shoulder pain without the need for dumbbells or extra equipment.


Cycling Machine

Rehabilitative exercises strengthen the muscles and joint structures that support the knee, improve stability and increases flexibility and range of motion, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

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Graduated free weights

In recent years rehabilitation knowledge has focused on core stability and the importance of correcting muscle imbalances. Usually this means concentrating on the smaller ‘stabilizer’ muscles.

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Neoprene Brace

Methods of preventing and treating knee injuries have changed with the rapid development and refinement of knee braces. Prophylactic knee braces are designed to protect uninjured knees from valgus stresses that could damage the medial collateral ligaments.

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Medical Stool Training

Rehabilitation clinic to use stool and carpet to strengthen knee related injury.


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User 01: Wrist Pain


  1. Can hardly feel progress of her rehabilitation.

  2. Often forget the exercise scheduled.


Q: Least favorite and favorite part of rehabilitation process?

A: Least favorite: Appointments, annoyed by the physical activity.

Favorite: deep muscle simulator.

Q: Did pain factor in to proper exercise routine?

A: Rehab is to cure the pain, so it is OK.

Q: What was the motivation to complete the rehabilitation process without physical therapist?

A: Get back to work and daily activity. She couldn’t even hold things properly.

Q: Was there a physical therapy process that made you not want to participate?

A: Lay down in front of the doctor.

Q: Do you think your rehabilitation process is shorten because of your time in therapy?

A: it has been the same through out.

Q: Was it difficult to track your progress through recovery?

A: Yeah I feel really difficult to track process to cure. The therapist said 2-3 months average but at the same time depends on patient. Although she feel better better, but it is difficult to really now how good it got.

Q: How did out side sources influence your rehabilitation outside of doctor?

A: School, parents, and life.

Q: Did positive attitude effect your rehab progress?

A: She just feel anxious to want the wounded part to heal.

Q: On the scale 1 to 10, how you rate yourself on following your doctor ’s instruction?

A: 7, I often forgot to do some rehab exercise. I lied to doctor once or twice about doing the exercise.

Q: What were your milestone during your rehabilitation?

A: Not really, I don’t really feel anything. I don’t really see any progress. If to know how much it is cured, I will have to compare to the pain level from months ago based on my impression.

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User 2: Post Shoulder Surgery


  1. Pain kept him from following doctor’s recommendations at home.

  2. Lack of motivation can effect the rehabilitation process.


Q: What was your least favorite part of of rehab and what was the best part the rehab process?

A: The least favorite part was moving from body weight to added weight, transition was painful. Most favorite was getting to use the ice machine after workouts.

Q: Did pain influence your workout regime?

A: yes as soon is it became painful i would basically stop preforming my exercises. If the pain was manageable I would continue to work through the discomfort. Noted that under physical therapist supervision he pushed harder than when left to workout on his own initiative.

Q: What motivated you to workout at home when you didn’t have the therapist guiding your therapy?

A: For my first surgery in high school my main motivation was returning to the football field as quickly as possible. The most recent surgery i had less motivation to spend time focusing on strength training. Main motivation was the avoidance of pain, i just wanted to be able to sleep correctly at night.

Q: Was there a specific process during rehab that motivated your rehab workouts?

A: The most recent surgery, no. During the first one there was an electrical stimulation machine that helped relive pain, I looked forward to using that machine during each session after each workout session.

Q: Do you think the use of a physical therapist helped shorten your recovery process.

A: At home, there is less focus on recovery, with the physical therapist there it, motivated you to push harder than you would otherwise. I think part of it is the security of knowing that even if it does hurt, the therapist is there to let me know if in over doing it.

Q: Was it difficult to track your progress through rehabilitation?

A: Was difficult to gauge, main indicator was how much arm motion i gained and if something hurt significantly i just wouldn’t do it again. However, my therapist was highly aware of what different locations of pain indicated, even when i forgot to bring up incidents like rolling over during sleep, he was able to identify that i had done so without me saying so.

Q: Did any external factors play into your recovery process outside of doctors orders.

A: I lifted a bunch of things that i probably should not have done, however i do feel it helped me recover faster simply from an excessive stand point.

Q: Did pain play a factor on your willingness to participate in rehab.

A: Yes when pain reached a certain point i would stop therapy for the day. Pain kept me from following my doctors recommendations at home.

Q: Did you have a positive or negative attitude towards your recovery and rehab?

A: I had an obligatory attitude towards my rehabilitation process, since i did not have football as a motivator during my second recovery. I felt that my lack of enthusiasm during this last recovery process hindered the speed of my recovery.

Q: On a scale of 1 -10 how would you rate your adherence to your doctor and therapists recommendations?

A: 2, my lack of motivation was probably the major factor.

Q: What were some of the major milestones during recovery for you?

A: 1) removing the brace 2) being able to lift my hand over my head 3) being able to finally do a push up again

Q: Have you followed your doctors recommendation for exercise since being discharged from PT.

A: No not at all but naturally I exercise and it works my shoulder in the process.

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Expert: Physical Therapist


  1. Hard to gain trust from patient.

  2. Hard to communicate with patient because of subjective tolerance of the pain levels.

  3. Hard to motivate the patient to do the rehab exercise.


Q: How many years you have been a physical therapist?

A: I’ve been a practicing physical therapist since 1985 during that time what is the most common injury you have encountered.

Q: How long is the average physical therapy for the given injury?

A: Depends on the age group younger people tend to mainly have knee injuries while older people tend to have back and hip problems. It entirely depends on the severity and type of injury soft tissue damage generally takes 1 to 3 months however if a bone is broken it will take longer. An issue we encounter is the vast difference in recovery needs for each individual patient. knee injuries general take at minimum 3 months to recover from.

Q: Is it difficult to have an open conversation with your patient?

A: Not exactly however the patient is generally unaware of the ins and outs of their injury., so a lot of the information about the patient actually comes from the doctor as well as different tools we use to gage where the patient is at.

Q: Do you feel that your patients often lied about their pain level during their therapy?

A: Depend on the person, if a person doesn’t want to go back to work, they say it hurts more severely, and people who want to go back they say they are better than the actually are. Everybody’ pain tolerance is different, generally we rely on the patients subjective grading of pain on a scale of 1-10.

Q: Do you talk to your patients out side of physical therapy?

A: It all depends on setting that you working In. In nursing homes, and home setting I tends to call the patient to check in. During clinical therapy we don’t do that because time is highly limited.

Q: What is the most common roadblock you have to overcome with your patients?

A: When they don’t want to do anything, they are not motivated you can’t help them. I majority i can find they encourage them persuade them to get in the exercise.

Q: Do you use a reward system to help your patient overcome obstacles during therapy? why do you use this system?

A: The majority of the people don’t enjoy the exercise, as therapists we have to pick and choose their exercises and develop the right program. Sometimes I draw out a schedule for them so that PT doesn’t interfere with obligations. I generally create a visual booklet with written instructions for exercises for patients at home, as well as demonstrating the actual exercises in their prescience.

Q: Do patients ever quit prematurely and stop attending therapy?

A: oh ya. it happens but not a lot. The majority who come to therapy want to get better which motivates them however some either don’t trust us or are not interested in therapy. These individuals are less motivated so we have to create easy attainable workout plans so that we can build trust and encourage the patients through recovery.

Q: How do you let patience know they are making benchmark?

A: Mainly its based on their ability to preform exercise and the degree to which they can preform them. For example lifting heavier and heavier weights builds confidence and lets the patient know that they have made tangible gains. Generally large shifts such as from using isometrics to weight training. Outside the clinic patients generally use their ability to do general tasks such as walking as a gauge of how far along recovery they are.

Q: Can you walk us through any stereotypical rehab session? How soon do patients start therapy after surgery.

A: Generally the decision to start therapy is based on the doctors recommendation, some situations call for therapy to start within the first day of surgery sometimes the day after. It depends on the type of surgery and severity of the injury.

Q: Has a patient ever injured themselves during rehabilitation?

A: I haven’t personally experienced however i have treated patients who have injured during physical therapy, had to get it repaired and then were send to me for rehabilitation. The problem is that once that has happened it is difficult to gain the patients trust.


Target User

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Eric Rene just had a knee surgery a couple days ago, he is in the process of rehabilitation. He is looking forward to have a new supportive knee brace to assist him get through this long and uncomfortable recovery processes.

“Train like an athlete, eat like a nutritionist,

sleep like a baby, win like a champion.”


User Journey Map

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Fluid Support

Brace provides physical support to post knee surgery patient throughout different daily tasks.

(Walking, Climb Stairs, Shower, PT exercises)

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Progress Data

Patient can view personal data collect through tracking sensors in Reset app to see progress.

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Motivate and Remind

The app system motivates and reminds patients to do therapy exercises according to schedule.

Pain Relief

Cooling is the best way to reduce the discomfort from swelling knee.

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Physical Therapy Coaching

Within the Reset app, there are videos for every exercise to guide the patients.


System Diagram

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User Experiences

Providing the knee brace and app prototype to 3 different users to get feedback.

Observe how they physically interact with the knee brace.

Test the app on the interface and motivation methods.

Concept Development

Brace Features

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Integrated pneumatic muscles to provide flexible support.

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Easily and intuitively adjusts the level of support for the user.

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Integrated cooling channels within the brace to reduce pain.

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Provides cooling and power to the brace to prevent swelling.

Graphic Identity


Logo mark

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Logo Type

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Logo on grid





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Icon family

App Interface

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